The 3 on 6™ got its name because of its use of three separate bridges seated onto six implants to create a full arch in the mouth. This new method for a permanent full mouth restoration solves a lot of the problems associated with other full mouth restorations options such as dentures and the popular All-on-4.
Dentures are simply the cheapest option on the market, but aren’t comfortable, and don’t promote good oral health. The All-on-4 was invented to be a more permanent solution for those needing full arch restoration, but not able to afford a full mouth of implants.
As time has passed, costs have lowered and processes have improved, yet the cost of full mouth implant restorations seemed to only increase making it further out of the reach for most people.
The 3 on 6™ provides a more affordable and more hygienic option for edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients.

“I created the 3 on 6™ in an effort to provide a more affordable and more conservative treatment option for full mouth rehabilitation. Patients and providers both recognize that it's a superior treatment. Many of my patients were referred to me by doctors that understand the damaging effects of bone removal that comes with the All-on-4."
Dr. Randy Roberts, DDS
Founder of the 3 on 6™ Treatment Concept
Permanent Placement
Six implants are placed to provide permanent strength and protect from bone loss.
Beautiful Bridges
Three beautiful, bright, and incredibly strong zirconia bridges are attached to the implants.

Control & Comfort
With no acrylic mouth piece, eating and speaking feels the same as natural teeth.
Minimal Maintenance
No glues or rinses. The 3 on 6™ can be cleaned at home with basic brushing and flossing.